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FCBD18 Interview: Daniel Lieske Reveals the Secrets Behind Wormworld

Anything that begins with an escape into a beautiful, other-worldly dimension has the makings of a captivating, highly-imaginative adventure.

Lion Forge’s The Wormworld Saga: The Journey Begins is the compelling prequel to Daniel Lieske’s webcomic The Wormworld Saga. The Free Comic Book Day title follows Jonas, a young boy who stumbles upon a magic painting that transports him to a hidden world… a world he will need to save.

Read our interview below with Wormworld creator, Daniel Lieske, to learn more about what inspired Wormwold and Daniel’s favorite things about comic books. Then click over here to look through our PREVIEWS Prevue of the comic!

Free Comic Book Day, FCBD, Lion Forge, The Wormworld Saga, The Journey BeginsFree Comic Book Day (FCBD): For those who might be new to your comic book, give us a quick rundown of the story! 

The protagonist of The Wormworld Saga is Jonas, a young boy who's just completed elementary school and who's heading out to a long-awaited summer vacation at his grandmother's in the country. In the dusty attic of Grannies old farmhouse, he discovers a magic painting that is a portal to another world. Beyond the threshold, a life changing adventure waits for Jonas as he needs to overcome his deepest fear to save the Wormworld from an ancient evil

FCBD: What genre is your title?

The Wormworld Saga is a classic fantasy story with a strong mystery element.

FCBD: What has been your favorite part of the book or main character(s) to tackle?

I'm a big fan of Japanese animation and designing the lush backgrounds of the Wormworld Saga is among my favorite parts of the production. 

FCBD: What other titles would you compare to yours? “If a comic reader likes _______ , they should pick up my title?”

I guess, when it comes to comics, you can compare The Wormworld Saga to some extent to the Amulet series. However, I'd say that my work is more influenced by movies than by other comics. If you like the animated Studio Ghibli movies or fantasy classics like The Neverending Story or Chronicles of Narnia, you should definitely check out the Wormworld Saga.

FCBD: Looking to the future, is there anything you can tease about what's upcoming for the title and its characters?

All I can say is that by following Jonas and his friends on their journey, the reader is in for a deeply emotional ride and some highly unexpected twists in a story that starts out as humble fantasy tale but then escalates into an epic of cosmic proportions.

FCBD: What initially got you interested in comics? (or What is your favorite thing about working in comics?)

I think that it's the full control that I enjoy most about the comics medium. Since I'm writing and illustrating The Wormworld Saga, I'm sitting in the director's seat and can do what I want. That's both exciting and frightening. Like every adventure should be.

FCBD: Many newcomers will pick up comics for the first time on FCBD—what was the first comic you remember reading?

The first comics that I remember actually reading where the Asterix comics. They heavily influenced the way I think about visual storytelling.

FCBD: Tell us why everyone should read comic books!

Comics are a fascinating middle ground between literature and film. I would say that in comics you get the best of two worlds: the vision of a singular artist (or small team) paired with the rich language of visual storytelling.


Free Comic Book Day, FCBD, Wormworld Saga, The Journey Begins, Lion Forge

Free Comic Book Day, FCBD, Wormworld Saga, Lion Forge

Free Comic Book Day, FCBD, Wormworld Saga, Lion Forge


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